“Musumbulwe” is a heartfelt gospel song by Titus De Psalmist, a rising Zambian artist known for his soulful worship music. Released in 2024, the song has resonated deeply with audiences, garnering significant attention on various platforms.
The title “Musumbulwe” translates to “Redeemer” in English, reflecting the song’s central theme of seeking divine intervention and redemption. Titus De Psalmist’s emotive vocals and the song’s powerful lyrics have made it a favorite among gospel music enthusiasts in Zambia and beyond.
The official music video for “Musumbulwe” is available on YouTube, where it has received thousands of views and positive feedback from listeners.
For those interested in exploring more of Titus De Psalmist’s work, his official YouTube channel features a collection of his music, including live performances and other popular tracks.
Additionally, “Musumbulwe” has gained traction on social media platforms like TikTok, where users have shared clips of the song, further amplifying its reach and impact.
Titus De Psalmist continues to make significant contributions to the Zambian gospel music scene, inspiring many with his dedication to worship and his ability to connect with audiences through his music.
For a live rendition of “Musumbulwe,” you can watch the performance below: