Mampi, known as the Queen Diva, has released a new single titled “Upezeko Wina,” which translates to “Find Someone Else” in English. The song, released on December 21, 2024, is a melodic piece that delves into themes of love and letting go.
In her announcement, Mampi expressed, “In the spirit of giving because it’s Christmas, I’m giving you the gift of goodbye. May you find someone who’ll love you better.”
The official music video for “Upezeko Wina” is available on YouTube, showcasing Mampi’s dynamic performance and the song’s emotive narrative.
For those interested in the song’s lyrics, an English translation is also accessible online.
“Upezeko Wina” is available for download on various music platforms, including I Love Zed Music.
Mampi, a prominent figure in the Zambian music industry, continues to captivate audiences with her powerful vocals and engaging performances. Her latest release adds to her impressive discography, reflecting her versatility and commitment to her craft.
You can watch the official music video for “Upezeko Wina” below: